While trying to set up my 5370B with the aid of the service manual 05370-90031 I found an error. Page 5-8 of the adjustment section has, in table 5-2, a set of Self test switch positions for various adjustments. The second one down: TP3, to adjust Pot OA is incorrect and should use the same switch positions as the first test. The switch settings given cause an unstable voltage at TP3. This set me off looking for a non existent problem when I found some minor mistakes in the schematic of the A18 section, page 8-103. There is a missing connection to U11A pin 2 from R2 and U8 pin 4. The labels for Pots OO and OA are reversed. On the pictorial layout R1 and R2 labels are reversed. This may be corrected in later versions but it caused me a headache or two... Dan